I recently got a Le Crueset Dutch Oven which I am in looove with, but I do get the most mileage out of my cast iron. The rest of my kitchen arsenal is a raggle taggle bunch of random assorted pans with one or two nice ones. Next time I go through a kitchen purge I’ll keep your suggestions in mind :)
]]>As a person who essentially stopped learning to cook after scrambling eggs and frying scrapple were mastered, I have nothing to add to this, except: be mildly wary of Amazon reviews. Mostly I agree that they’re pretty reliable, but watch out for any product that has maybe a few too many overly-gushy reviews. I have no proof, but based on a real loser of a vacuum cleaner which came EXTREMELY HIGHLY recommended by reviewers, I suspect certain companies just pay people to write reviews and put ’em up…